Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dodgy IRA Man

Dodgy IRA Man, originally uploaded by Komrade P..

I don't see what makes him so dodgy.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Spotlight 7 Week 8: Ryan Schude

For the 8th week of Spotlight Seven, smoothdude has selected Ryan Schudel. Ryan has taken his inspiration from a variety of great photographers, including David la Chapelle, Henri Cartier-Bresson and others. Ryan, a Chicago native now living in Los Angeles, has taken a whole series of portraits showing people holding objects, such as the one shown below.

Ryan has also taken some classic portraits such as this photo of "Gramps."

Ryan is even a wee bit of a celebrity photographer, as this photograph of the "Crabman" from My Name is Earl, aka Eddie Steeples. Not quite your typical celeb shot, though!
Eddie Steeples

To see more great work, and to hear some lighting tips from Ryan, check out the interview and all 10 photos. Also not to be missed is this gem, which is simply exceptional. It wasn't selected since it has many people in the shot, but is already among my favorite photos on Flickr nonetheless.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Funny face

Funny face, originally uploaded by Araleya.

One of many cute photos recently added by Araleya.

Around the corner

..., originally uploaded by el_daniello.

Very nice foggy shot.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Oversized cigar

Day 46, originally uploaded by Dupmeister.

Part of one man's 365 days project. Nice bokeh.

Spotlight 7 Week 7: Martin Prihoda

Terry, originally uploaded by martin prihoda.

This week we have our first guest curator, Ryan Brenizer (a.k.a. carpe icthus). Ryan was recently featured on Spotlight 7, and is's resident photography expert. Ryan has chosen to spotlight Martin Prihoda of Vancouver, British Columbia. Make sure you read the whole interview and view the rest of the photos.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mi Gente. Vol.0

Mi Gente. Vol.0, originally uploaded by AZ....



From Mardi Gras 2008 in New Orleans.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


neno, originally uploaded by enricofede07x.

Just a nice simple portrait done very well.

Friday, February 15, 2008


Ed, originally uploaded by Jimmijam.

Some kind of all-knowing smirk. I think.

Nice work Suvas

Nice work Suvas, originally uploaded by fabio_svr.

Truly a castle of cards.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Forgiven, originally uploaded by M.J Coleman.

Another gem from this week's Spotlight Seven photographer.

The man, the legend. And the glasses.

IMG_0899, originally uploaded by eliopastorius.

Or something like that. Nice photo.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Beijing #33

Beijing #33, originally uploaded by andertho.

Picture=1000 words

Sunday, February 10, 2008


kids.2, originally uploaded by J.C Wang.

But who won?

Friday, February 8, 2008

Jill Coleman at Spotlight Seven

48, originally uploaded by M.J Coleman.

I have to run, so I'll be back with more later. Just be sure to check out Jill Coleman this week in Spotlight Seven. Amazing portraits. Interview.

Tractor girl

, originally uploaded by alekseyz.

Cool stuff. Great tones.

Great expression

025.jpg, originally uploaded by smithereen11.

Love those eyes.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Gritty Me

Gritty Me, originally uploaded by e:hunter.

Very cool lighting.

Fortieth Mission

"Fortieth Mission", originally uploaded by photo_secessionist.

A nice bit of costume & processing to get the old-time feel. The poster is a nice touch, too.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Herman, originally uploaded by jahat.

Really like the background here. Works very well.

mio padre

mio padre, originally uploaded by jenelesaispas.

An old-time shot.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Jean Marc Orange

Another guitar player! We'll have to find another instrument soon.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The School Girl

The School Girl, originally uploaded by Eric Nicholas.

Peace. Someone is collecting a million of them. Good luck!

Guitar Hero

Guitar Hero, originally uploaded by sammy.steen.

Just really cool.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Garça, originally uploaded by Stone Road.

Very colorful!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Katie: Sunset Smile

Katie: Sunset Smile, originally uploaded by carpe icthus.

Another of the photos featured this week in Spotlight Seven. Great smile.


Ivan, originally uploaded by Peepps.

Peepps added a whole bunch of interesting portraits, many of which share this common theme. Very nice, check out the set