Monday, February 25, 2008

Spotlight 7 Week 8: Ryan Schude

For the 8th week of Spotlight Seven, smoothdude has selected Ryan Schudel. Ryan has taken his inspiration from a variety of great photographers, including David la Chapelle, Henri Cartier-Bresson and others. Ryan, a Chicago native now living in Los Angeles, has taken a whole series of portraits showing people holding objects, such as the one shown below.

Ryan has also taken some classic portraits such as this photo of "Gramps."

Ryan is even a wee bit of a celebrity photographer, as this photograph of the "Crabman" from My Name is Earl, aka Eddie Steeples. Not quite your typical celeb shot, though!
Eddie Steeples

To see more great work, and to hear some lighting tips from Ryan, check out the interview and all 10 photos. Also not to be missed is this gem, which is simply exceptional. It wasn't selected since it has many people in the shot, but is already among my favorite photos on Flickr nonetheless.

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