The 26th installment of Spotlight Seven features Patrick Shaw. Patrick is an Englishman living in Brooklyn, and his work can also be found on his website. Here's a bit from Patrick's interview:
2) How do you get emotion from your models? What's a tip you could give to someone starting out in portrait photography? with your subjects, try talking to them first, there is a story about avedon shooting the duke and duchess of windsor, he was deliberately late to the studio on the day, said it was because the taxi he was in, had run over a dog, he then started giving them a blow by blow description ( knowing they were dog lovers ) of the dying dog, and all the time shooting their reaction The story was completely fictitious. He had his shot.. it would have been completely different without that emotion there are many ways to bring some humanity to a shot....first think about who you are shooting, and don't be boring.
Please check out the rest of the interview and all 10 photos in Spotlight 7.
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