Saturday, January 19, 2008

Jim III at 60

Jim III at 60, originally uploaded by eks4003.

"Veterans Day Nov 11, 2007
On Veterans Day 1987 I took the black and white photo of my friend Jim. We were on our way to a Veterans Day parade. Jim showed me a framed picture of him as a 20 year old in Vietnam. On that day I took a picture of him holding the picture of him in Nam. He was 40 years old. The picture was in a box for the last 20 years. It just surfaced last week when I went through the box looking for treasures from the past.
It was about five years since I talked with Jim. I called him and met with him for lunch. I asked him to put on his old army gear so that I could take his photo.
I took a picture of him at 60 years old holding a picture of him at 40 holding a picture of him at 20. "

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